When i first got my MicroAquarium from the storage bins, a lot of water had evaporated out of it. I thought this was strange because I made sure to put more water in it before I left my second observation. Upon putting it under the microscope, I found there were hardly any living organisms left, well compared to my last observation, where there were numerous organisms all over. I found about two different nematodes in the bottom right corner around Plant B in the aquarium. Upon scanning the whole aquarium I saw about 5 cyclopses, and I could not find the vorticella that had been living in my aquarium. There were numerous different dead organisms found along the bottom of the aquarium. Like other observations, all of the action was happening around the bottom layer of the aquarium, and mostly on the right plant, Plant B. I did find one new organism that Dr. McFarland identified as a water mite. It was found in the bottom right of Plant B. Below is a citation of the book I used to identify the water mite. Upon looking in the book, Guide to Microlife, I found that it is closely related to spiders and in the family Hydrachnidae.
Rainis, Kenneth G., and Bruce J. Russell. Guide to Microlife. Danbury (Connecticut): Franklin Watts, 1996. Print.
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